Thursday, July 7, 2011

My sister is here! She wants to write. I am so glad my Lee & I got to come to beautiful Texas and visit with my family.My loving family, I got to see all of my special nieces & nephews, I wish it could of packed everyone up and take them all home with me. I want to let you all know how much & how dear you all to me. I love you all and forever!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hands & Feet

Because my hands & feet are numb I am going to a laser therapy 3 times a week for 6 weeks in Dallas. The cost has been taken care of but the gas will cost $40.00 a day, $120. per week. I am very concerned about this! Am very tired today, my body hurt so bad, that I did not sleep at all. I am praying that this will help---keep the faith--Linda

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A very sad day

When things are going so wrong for someone you love and there is nothing you can do to help, it makes for a very sad day. I can pray because I believe God does answer prayers and that He takes care of me and my loved ones. I am so concerned about our country and so many things--I am like a child that gives his broken toy to his daddy to fix but the takes it right back. I am like that with God and prayer. Am being put to bed---Keep the faith--Linda

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday again

Time goes so fast! Ella is already two! Here it is Sunday again and it will be summer before we know it. And the next thing I'll know is Kathy telling me how many days till Christmas. Someone asked me how long had I been on dialysis? Well it seems like a life time, but all told I think it's been around 5 to 6 years. It's not an easy thing and some days are harder than others, it helps to have someone to talk with as TV gets very boring, reading also. Guess it's good that I am a person that can entertain myself. Church was wonderful today. I always fill so uplifted when I go, I feel more filled with the Holy Sprit. If it were not for my Father I don't know where I would be. So many trials and troubles in my life, but He has always held me close to His heart and directed me. Thank you Jesus for my salvation.---Keep the faith---Linda

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Once again I had to call Andrea to get back on Blooger, I don't understand, I hadn't touched it in days and it wouldn't work. Some days I don't know why I try to use a computor. For two years I didn't touch one and never had one melt down in that whole time!!!!!!!! It is a beautiful day, Eddie started mowing the yard and it smells so nice. Birds singing flowers in bloom so peaceful. Moved the geese to a pen in the garden, they are getting so big have feathers on their wings. It's time to go to the renal center, so till next time---Keep the faith

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Well Nikky is here but Eddie has gone to the doctor for a check up, so I am really alone. Thank you, Andrea, for thinking the afgan is beautiful. You didn't get to see it finished. I put a bit of ruffle on it because it was plain. It is so cold here today again and cloudy, I am so ready for spring weather. I know that our new princeses is ready. The geese are so big they are getting out of the tub. Would move them outside but it's too cold. Tina took me to the renal center yesterday, we caught up on all the gossip as we hadn't seen each other in a long time. If we have to have anyone to help us, I want it to be Tina. Easter will be here soon, I love Easter, all the little girls dressed up in frilly dresses and little boys with ties on, the church service, Easter dinner, the egg hunts, family together. Nikky is trying to tell me about some pop star, as if I care. To bad Home Helpers can't send an older lady to help, one that knows about house cleaning, cooking for older people, and that would have similar interest.---Keep the faith---Linda

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rainy Day

A very cold day with a bit of rain. But we had a very enjoyable day, had stir fry for dinner, so good! Found out I can crochet little girl's socks, I am so happy! Angie said I could sell them on her store on Etsy, and she would take them to the craft fairs. Might even make some baby afghans to sell. Finished Valerie's plum afghan, will have to see about sending it to her. I do so hope she'll like it, she has done so much for us.---Keep the faith---Linda